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We are dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commandment to love and the Great Commission to spread the Gospel and make disciples of all nations. Join us in our mission to share the love of Christ with Japan!

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Image by Louie Martinez


Japan comprises about 127 Million people and is the epicenter of technology and business whose main ‘traditional religion’ is buddhism and shintoism. There are buddhist temples and shinto shrines in every city and in most houses. What is important to know is that Japan is a country of customs rather than true faith. Although Japan is looked at as a buddhist country with its various temples, everyday people don’t subscribe to buddhism or shintoism however only participate in visits to the temples as a custom of tradition. Japanese people are more atheists than Buddhists and shintoists.
The normal Japanese person has a stigma with religion itself. This is due to many radicals in the past using religion to harm others. One incident was in 1995 when a cult leader and his followers released sarin gas in a subway station that injured and killed several people. From that time until now there has been a phobia with anything “god” related.
With that understanding we at Japan Kingdom Church have set out to “Make a difference in Japan” by showing through our actions—the love of God. This is because the bible shares in 1 John 4:18 that the opposite of fear is love and how “perfect love casts out fear.” We have witnessed many lives changed through "love in action." We do this by being a relevant source of help to the down and out, homeless, mentally ill, families, single mothers, and businessmen and women alike.

Missionary Application Process

Stage 1: Application

This initial stage allows us to ensure that we, at Japan Kingdom Church are a good fit for you! Please complete all sections of the initial application form thoroughly. 

Stage 2:
Zoom Interview

If you are successful in Stage 1, you will be asked to participate in an in-depth interview via Zoom with our missions committee. This allows us to discuss your application, helps us to understand your calling, assess your readiness, and ensure you align with our mission and values here at JKC.

Stage 3: Immigration

If you are successful in your interview and we have all necessary information required for your placement, you will receive the Immigration application form for you to complete. Our team will then prepare and submit all required documents to the Tokyo Immigration authorities for processing and approval. The missionary visa process can take up to 2-3 months

Stage 4: Processing

Please inform us upon receipt of your Certificate of Eligibility, in a timely manner. We would then help to advise on flights and accommodation, for a  smooth transition.

Our missions committee will remain in communication regarding documentation, activities and timelines. 

Stage 5:
Begin Mission

Book your flight and accommodation to begin your mission. 


Begin your missionary application today!

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